You worry about a trouble it becomes double but when
you smile at it disappear like bubble so always smile at your problem!
Good Morning.. Have a great day.
Good Morning Quote – Its a beautiful day, full of possibilities Just waiting to be explored.
Happy Monday Quotes:
Monday is the perfect day to correct last week’s mistakes.
It’s Monday God is going to do some Amazing things this week get ready!
When we do things out of great love, rather than great expectation, more comes back to us that we could have ever imagined.
Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom. ~Bertrand Russell
Once people are not here physically, the spiritual remains. We still connect, we can communicate, we can give and receive love and forgiveness. There is love after someone dies. -Sandra Cisneros
The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
Have a long, deep conversation with someone you look up to, whose company you enjoy.
African Saying: If you want to walk quick, walk alone If you want to walk far, walk together
Don’t Judge me by, my Hair, my Color, my Skin, my Figure or my Beauty.., because if you do, you might Miss “Who really I am”..!!!
For more good morning Monday quotes and images click here 50 Best Monday Quotes & Wishes with Pictures